Fire up Reaktor and Open a New Ensemble.
Delete the existing Instrument from the [Ensemble - Structure] because we want to start from scratch. (Insert Instrument > _New - Empty)
Give it Nord Rack as a name or anything else that you like. Double click on the Nord Rack to get in the [Nord Rack - Structure] , wich is empty, at least for now.
The Nord Rack receives MIDI thus let's add a NotePitch (Insert Module > MIDI In > Note Pitch) and a Gate (Insert Module > MIDI In > Gate).
It needs an Out Port (Insert Module > Terminal > Out Port) to connect to the Audio Out in the "Ensemble - Structure".
It doesn't really matter in what order you insert these modules in the structure, as long as you connect them correctly. But we were building the OSC 1 so let's do a test with a Sine Oscillator (Insert Module > Oscillator > Sine) and insert him.
Connect the:
You should have something like this.
Now you can play notes with your computer keyboard. On an Azerty keyboard the DO note (pitch 60) is the "w" key (Qwerty, DO = "z")